Welcome to my new blog!

As a foreign language teacher, I often have the problem to find good resources to be used in the classroom. When I find useful stuff, I don’t really know where to put it and/or how to save it so I later on can find it again.

I’ve got a board on scoop.it, where all my teaching stuff is pinned, but it’s not really handy as I have got my own clustering system I can’t adopt to scoop.it. Thus, I decided to open up a new blog, as kind of a „Best of“ teaching and learning resources. There are different pages for different languages, and some pages that are rather general. All pages will include resources and ideas on how to teach languages in a (digital) era.

Quelle: Pixabay

It has, nevertheless, to be stated, that my blog will always be work in progress and that I’m thankful for your hints, resources or recommendations regarding tools, instructional scenarios and whatever regards language learning and teaching. The posts will cover different languages and I will try to write the posts in the language it concerns. So, I apologize for all mistakes that may occur – I’m myself a language learner, not only language teacher and try to practice whenever I can.   So enjoy my new blog and help me improving it 😉