There are so many different possibilities to learn a language online. At least, you can find loads of resources to support the learning process. What about a free language course to learn Danish, French, German, Icelandic, Luxembourgish or Amharic? Open Cultures offers an overview: Learn 48 Languages Online for Free: Spanish, Chinese, English & More. These courses are free and online.
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Materialien zur Weihnachtszeit
Es ist Weihnachten. Und eigentlich wollte ich diesen Blogpost schon vor einer Ewigkeit veröffentlichen. Aber wie es in der stillsten Zeit des Jahres so üblich ist, hab ich so viele andere Dinge zu tun gehabt, dass ich schlichtweg darauf vergessen habe.
Mehr lesenLanguage learning and teaching: some websites I have to share with you
There are so many good websites that help language learners (and teachers) to cope with their every day’s business. When surfing the web, you come across so many good advice and there are loads of influencer you have to know regarding language teaching and learning, especially when it comes to English as a Second Language (ESL).
Mehr lesenEnseigner le français (d’)aujourd’hui
Je n’écris pas beaucoup en français. C’est dommage vu qu’une langue s’en va quand on ne la pratique pas…
Mehr lesenLearning English – outside school
There are so many really great resources when it comes to improving or learning English. As a language learner you have to stay active. Always. Otherwise your language skills will disappear. I’m sure you are nodding right now. And it’s true. We have to work hard to speak fluently and write coherently. There are two resources I want to highlight in this post.
Mehr lesenTwo great resources for learning and teaching English
Just a short blogpost to welcome the new year and introducing two of my favourite repositories for teaching and learning English.
Mehr lesenHow to train pronunciation: Vocaroo
On the Austrian MOOC platform iMooX a course started in May dealing with Italian pronunciation and problems that are specific to German speaking language learners. The MOOC is called “Ja, das klingt doch schon italienischer!” and the participants are asked to record their own voice in order to practice speaking and pronunciation.
Mehr lesenSome ways to foster writing skills
I would like to introduce some more tools that foster writing and help language teachers regarding different aspects of their teaching.
Mehr lesenResources for Primary Schools
There are many resources for teaching younger children as well. Some of them are really, really good, others not. Here are some of my „treasures“ regarding language teaching at a primary level. There are apps, as well as collections of work sheets and exercises, and funny pictures that can be used within classroom education and beyond.
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